knowledge is power.
it can become our most valuable asset and our only salvation. never before has there been such a dire need for a rebirth, an awakening of global consciousness then there is today. fortunately, we live in the information age and we must capitalize on this great advantage while it still exists. there are sinister forces at work within the borders of the western world, a shadow government, who are relentlessly building the framework for their globalist agenda, who's foundation was laid by their fore fathers over a century ago. as all things, it began with a simple idea, in this case, a central bank or one world bank. however, the implications of which reach into the very soul of our birth right, our liberties and freedoms. this hotly contested topic has been debated by our elected officials and the heads of banking consortiums the world over since the english parliament passed the currency act of 1764. this bill prevented the printing of colonial script and forced industry and trade to instead accept interest bearing notes provided by the bank of england. in short, the very concept of borrowing and lending with cumulative interest has lead to the absolute pursuit of power over all things by a small group of the wealthy and greedy ruling elite, an oligarchy, culminating with the signing of the federal reserve act in 1913. after all, in a supposed 'capitalist society', MONEY is power, and it would stand to reason, those who control the only need consider that the last two presidents who tried to issue debt free currency, linoln in 1862 and kennedy one hundred years later in 1963 were both assassinated, previous to which, the very first assassination attempt on a u.s. president in 1835 on andrew jackson who had just vetoed a bill to extend the charter of the first centralized bank in the states. coincidence? apathy is not virtue. in recent years, the call of the patriot was 'support our troops', as they are in hostile territory giving their lives for freedom. if this is the true belief, then these aforementioned patriots owe it to their country to do the very same. except our weapons will be knowledge and our war will be to defend the constitution and our human rights and liberties laid out upon. the enemy? the enemy is your government, your elected officials sworn to uphold the very constitution they are being forced to circumvent by the powers behind the throne. for if these public servants are in dereliction of duty, is it not the responsibility of the constituents to remove them from office? consider these quotes from former u.s. president abraham lincoln.
"dont interfere with anything in the constitution. that must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties".
"this country, with it's institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. whenever they shall grow weary of it's existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right to amend it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it".
"america will never be destroyed from the outside. if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves".
i believe all world policies and conflicts of at least the last two hundred years are all product of the same oligarchy for the same ends of a globalist society, one world bank and one world government. their belief the ends justifies the means has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions worldwide and the incremental loss of liberty to those that remain. we are deemed subservient to the ruling elite, cattle. i believe there is a war on terror, with one great exception. the terrorists are not a group of dissidents or para military insurgents living in caves halfway around the world. the terrorists are us. if you consider that the government is not in fact the true power, and the those who fund and manipulate the government are, it becomes clear that we, the free thinkers are the enemy. we are all that stand in the way of the new world order and it's tyranny. the conflict in the middle east is being fought under the guise of liberating the people from tyrannist oppression while in reality it is to liberate the countries from their oil. the real battle is being fought within the boundaries of the united states and the objective is to destroy the constitution and finally establish the new world order. the united states represents the last bastion of freedom and should it fall, the rest of the world becomes academic.
CALLING ALL TRUE PATRIOTS, the need to act is now!! educate yourself by doing the research. the evidence is all around you, and so is the information. don't allow others to do the thinking for you. reading the paper or watching fox news is not doing the research. do you know that just six companies own all media outlets in north america? six!! if that's not cause for skepticism of the media then i don't know what is. the internet is an invaluable tool for finding unbias facts and figures, debunking popular myths and watching documentaries, please use it! i hate the term 'conspiracy theorist' because it denotes a negative stigmatism, i prefer the term 'free thinker', and it sickens me to hear the verbal abuse that we take because we question what we are told instead of accepting verbatim. since when did you start trusting the government?! in your heart of hearts, i think even the most stubborn staunch waver of the red white and blue is aware that somethings amiss. i understand that many people are comfortable in their own lives, claim to love their country passionatly and become visably aggitated when comfronted with opposing theories. after all, the harsh reality of what is being perpretrated by the ruling class is truely frightening and seems almost fictional in a 'civiilized society', however, this doesn't mean it isn't the truth. the only way to combat the ideals of the globalist movement is to first admit there is the possibility of such, then and most importantly, educate yourself on the subject. you will be amazed at what you find. you will begin to see connections where there were none, familiar names and associations repeated throughout recent history, bloodlines, buisness relations and odd bedfellows emerge. far too much evidence to ignore. i urge you to be a skeptic, question everything, look for the beneficiary and protect the constitution. nothing is more worthy of your attention and your action. apathy is not a virtue.
1. absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2. lack of interest or concern
1. a person who loves, supports and defends his or her country and it's interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
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