i implore you the reader, the next time you encounter a stranger in public that is trying sincerely to convey a message prevalent to social issues, stop and listen. at the very least, lend the person some dignity. don't judge them or ridicule them without at least listening to what they have to say. when have we become so closed minded that a person we meet in the course of everyday life isn't at least as credible as our 'trusted news sources'? think of the time, discipline, commitment, sacrifice that he or she makes to stand on a street corner day after day, subjecting themselves to public ridicule, even possible arrest, just in the small hopes that they can somehow affect some semblance of change in the cause they believe in. does the act not speak volumes of the person's commitment in belief and perhaps lend credence to their testimony? heaven forbid you may learn something. you are currently reading a 'blog', is that not the same thing? the ramblings of a stranger. i can attest, once your eyes are opened for the first time, you feel compelled to educate anyone you can. underlying almost all world events such as war and conflict, an underlying truth lies. if one were so inclined, they could research a little and slowly start to pick apart the thread, to which you would reveal a common denominator, a benefactor. history will start to make far more sense in light of this new testimony, almost to the point of predicting the future (george orwell, 1984). webster's dictionary defines patriot as, "a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government". if standing on a street corner is a person's last vestige or means of conveyance, should that be held in contempt?
there are many who would just as soon not talk about it, even get angry when pressed in conversation to share an opinion on the matter. to face the real possibility that they have been lied to all their lives by persons of authority, that they so heavily trusted, the very fabric of their faith in country and god, all based on propaganda and lies. that cross would be rather large to bear. so instead, they take all that bottled up rage and project it toward people who are free of that burden. people who have an open mind, all things considered, and have independently, that is without coercion, witnessed the hidden agenda, by research, or by personal experience. how dare you ridicule those who have the courage of their convictions, that you sadly lack. you are the traitor, of your beliefs and of your souls. you are a sell out, a corporate shill. you, by purposely being stoic, actually aid in the objectives of the globalist regime. after all, it is not in their interest to have an intelligent, well informed public. they prey on the weak minded, conformist, apathetic, false prophet reality tv junkie. those that have been bathed in sound bite media, catch phrase propaganda and subliminal advertising. conditioning. if you have never read '1984' or simply don't remember the details, i would recommend another read. the main objective of big brother's intention was to not only implement complete martial law and police states completely devoid of any and all individual rights, but to have everyone accept it as a blessing. this is what conditioning refers to. (look up the word, it's actually very interesting) alex jones has made reference to 'beta testing' in some of his documentaries, and they are evident (blackwater, fema camps etc) in modern society. i live in toronto, home of the 2010 'g20 summit' meeting and for all accounts, a beta test was performed here, much as was the case during the g20 summit in pittsburgh. a totally coerced media, tool of the globalist, always seemed to arrive during the aftermath of a conflict, or at least, that's what they would broadcast. a shot of a police car on fire sure paints a picture of a self righteous angry mob doesn't it? meanwhile, as usually the case, a few rotten apples spoil the bunch. of the hundreds of thousands of people in the general area, a dozen or so disturbers of the peace break a few windows, light a car on fire and essentially eradicate what was other wise a lawful and peaceful gathering. of course with an overt act, comes the authority. how many tens of millions of dollars were spent on security? who's to say the perpetrators weren't hired by the globalists? justify their security budget AND the use of their fema 'brownshirts'?! you needn't offer more. the term i believe is called 'kettling' which has been used by armed forces in the past. it's objective is to agitate the masses to provoke an action usually based on sheer emotion to authorize use of force. typically, they uniformly push you into predetermined designated quadrants of the occupying territory, where you are cramped for space and not able to leave under your own free will due to road blockages. thus the term kettling. place the kindling, then light the fire. it's marshall law, and it's reality. have you never asked yourself the question, why hold a top secret meeting right in the middle of the largest city in the largest country in the world? why not an air force base or just a plain and simple 'secret location'?! the reasons could be numerous, but i believe in the beta testing theory. a slow, methodical inclusion of all branches of the globalist template. by gauging public reaction, you can get a general sense of just how close you are to acceptance. and they are coming at us from all angles. for example, the u.s. government recently admitted that the gulf of tonkin incident, never happened!! can you fucking imagine the implication of that?! between fifty and sixty thousand dead american soldiers and more then three hundred thousand physical casualties, many more mental and emotional problems still, and the very reason 'they' invoked american involvement in the war was based on a blatant lie?! HOW DARE THEY. now what's to say 'THEY" haven't lied about every world conflict, both the reason for and objective of? again, have you really heard anyone even mention this to you? do you not find it a little odd that a story of this measure should only be mentioned as a footnote in the main stream media? next you'll be telling me you believe in the magic bullet theory!
you are all that stands in the way of the globalist plan. the intelligent, well informed, skeptical, patriotic public and your country is calling you. if you support the troops, do these people not deserve your support as well? after all, are they not out in a hostile territory fighting for your rights? death may not be imminent on a street corner, but bearing witness to the loss of all our freedoms, which troops have fought and died for for centuries, is akin to accepting slavery. and thank god there are those of us that wont go quietly, or else you'd already be fitted for the 'raf chip'.
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